Training Courses

First Aid at Work (3-Day Course)
Training Courses - LTAD

Nationally recognised Qualifications

Our courses are Ofqual regulated which leaves you safe in the knowldge that the qualifications awarded will be recognised everywhere in the U.K.

We can also deliver onsite training courses, allowing you to train the maximum number of people at a minimal cost to you.

We will always work flexibly to deliver training at a time and date that suits you, customising wherever required.

Professional Instructors

  All of our instructors are professional, qualified and experienced meaning you can rest assured the training we deliver is not only of the highest standard but also the most recent and up to date best practice.

First Aid

First Aid at Work (3-Day Course)

First Aid at Work (3-Day Course)

It is a requirement of the Health & Safety law that employers provide a safe and healthy environment to work in.

If your assessment of first aid needs highlights the need for qualified first aiders, then this level 3 qualification (level 6 in Scotland) will provide you with suitable, highly trained personnel.

Emergency First Aid at Work (1-Day Course)

Emergency First Aid at Work (1-Day Course)

Where an organisation’s risk assessment of First Aid needs identifies that there is a requirement for Emergency First Aid at Work practitioners, then this national Award in Emergency First Aid at Work satisfies the requirements of the regulatory body for First Aid – the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).
Mental Health 3 Day Training Course

First Aid for Mental Health (3-Day Course)

Anyone can be affected by a mental health condition either themselves or a family member, friend or colleague.

CPR & AED (1 Day Course)

CPR & AED (1-Day Course)

Heart and circulatory disease claims around 200,000 lives each year. Many could have been saved if a defibrillator was made available.
Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Programme

Automated External Defibrillator (AED) Programme (4-Hour Course)

Defibrillators (AEDs) have been proven to significantly increase the chances of survival in cases of cardiac arrest.

Paediatric First Aid (2-Day Course)

Paediatric First Aid (2-Day Course)

This course has been developed for those who are working with children and infants. It will be of particular interest to teachers, child minders, crèche assistants, playgroup personnel and anyone else who has a responsibility for their welfare whilst in your care.
Emergency Paediatric First Aid (1-Day Course)

Emergency Paediatric First Aid (1-Day Course)

This one-day Emergency Paediatric First Aid course has been designed for those who have an interest in child and infant basic life support.
Outdoor First Aid 2 Day Training Course

Outdoor First Aid (2-Day Course)

If your assessment of First Aid needs highlights the need for qualified First Aiders in outdoor activity, then this Level 3 qualification will provide you with suitable and highly trained personnel.


Fire Safety (1-Day Course)

Fire Safety (1-Day Course)

You will, no doubt, be well aware of the potentially devastating effects of fires in the workplace in terms of lives lost, injuries, damage to property and the environment, and to business continuity. You may also be aware that it is believed that most fires are preventable. The importance of fire safety in the workplace is underpinned by health and safety legislation that places a duty on employers to establish policies and procedures and ensure their employees receive appropriate training.
Manual Handling (1 Day Course)

Manual Handling (1-Day Course)

We are all exposed at times to some form of manual handling such as lifting, carrying, pulling and pushing actions that can be compounded by simultaneous movements such as climbing or pivoting. Personal injuries resulting from incorrect manual handling in the workplace accounts for over one million working days lost per year, as well as the pain and suffering experienced by the casualties. Correct manual handling techniques can make a huge difference.

Food Safety in Catering

Food Safety in Catering (1-Day Course)

This is an excellent introduction to Food Safety in Catering and will benefit all employees at all levels, particularly those who hold, or are about to hold, a food safety role within their catering organisation.


National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) (5-Day Course)

National Pool Lifeguard Qualification (NPLQ) (5-Day Course)

The NPLQ covers all elements of Pool Rescue Techniques, Lifeguarding Theory, First Aid and CPR. The course is physically demanding and will include swimming to set times, lifting casualties and diving to the deepest part of the swimming pool.
National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (NRASTC) (2-Day Course)

National Rescue Award for Swimming Teachers and Coaches (NRASTC) (2-Day Course)

NRASTC is a supervision and rescue award for swimming teachers, coaches and (or) instructors working during programmed activities, such as swimming lessons.
Emergency Response - Pool (ER Pool) (2-Day Course)

Swimming Pool Emergency Response Award (SPERA) (2-Day Course)

The SPERA (formerly the ER Pool) Programme is a rescue award; it is designed for individuals that have a responsibility to respond to a swimming pool in the event of an emergency, either to perform a rescue or assist a lifeguard team.

Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) (3-Day Course)

Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) (3-Day Course)

The Open Water Lifeguard (OWL) Qualification was developed by the Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK) to address the role of open water lifeguards and the needs of open water operators. As the open water industry continues to grow, the RLSS UK have endeavoured to respond to change through the ongoing development of this qualification.
Fire Safety (1-Day Course)

Aquatic Therapy Shallow Pool Rescue Award (ATSPRA) (2-Day Course)

ATSPRA is a supervision and rescue qualification for therapists, teachers, and support staff working on the poolside or in the water during activities (such as aquatic therapy or therapeutic exercise/play).

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